It's the 6th of February, the birds are chattering away in the trees, and the temperature is supposed to be in the mid-70s today. The calendar says Winter, but the weather says Spring.
We have Oregon Juncos, finches, and Red-Winged Blackbirds visiting at the moment. The Red-Winged Blackbird is my favorite bird - I remember seeing them along the highways and byways when we'd go out driving around when I was a kid.
Another bird I find fascinating is the Tawny frogmouth. It hails from places Down Under, and emits a low thrum much like a bullfrog does. We discovered it as well as the Lady Ross' turaco (a lively bird with beautiful striking colors !) at the Sacramento Zoo when I took my grandchildren there this week!
Yes, I had a wonderful 2 1/2 visit with the grandbabies at the Sacramento Zoo this week. We saw every animal there at least once, and some two or three times! Some were active and some were melancholy - the gibbons were just sitting in the small pool of sunshine touching their enclosure, not noticing the humans milling around the place. It's amazing to see the world through the eyes of a child!
And last night, I went to the Cozmic Cafe in Placerville to see my favorite band - Tempest. Neat venue, lively crowd, great energy! Hope they play there again in the future!
As for my weekly goals of writing and exercise - I was 100% on the exercise and on accomplishing the Morning Pages. And I even wrote a bit on a short story idea yesterday. So this was a good week all around!
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