Monday, November 30, 2009

End of NaNoWriMo 2009; on to the Holidays!

Well, I tried again this year to write 50,000 words during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), however I didn't get out more than 25% of that number. And only about half of those words are the actual story. I have a tendency to brainstorm as I write, which means I end up with a notebook full of notes and story written in longhand, and two computer files - one with the notebook in it and one with just the story in it.

But, now I know the snowflake method is successful (see my previous input on this subject during August/September), and will use it to review/revise/resuscitate my other current work, as well as start new work in the coming year.

Now it is time to let everything sit (as much as that's possible when one is a writer and ideas/characters decide when they want to drop in on you - sigh...) and enjoy the holiday season with family et al. I have two grandbabies to shower attention on now (don't know if I posted that the grandson was born in Mar 08 and the granddaughter was born in Nov 09), which has led my writer's mind down another path - writing holiday stories for them and collecting family traditions (recipes, rituals, etc.) to put in printed form (probably out on by this time next year and updated annually). See what I mean about ideas???