Sunday, January 10, 2010

Papacita Revisted

Well, to make good on my goals for 2010, it's time for me to get butt in chair and work on using the Snowflake Method to help me work the kinks out of several stories in the Belkher Chronicles line-up. I decided to start with Papacita, since it is the most nearly complete story of the series.

I don't like my one-sentence summary at this point, but it sounds better than the other one I came up with today. Here they both are:

The current one: The murder of a grandpa gone a-courting sends familial threads unraveling through three generations.

The one I came up with today: A boy's loss is no-one's gain when the man kills his grandfather over his father's death.

The second one better fits what happens in the story, but I guess I'll have to work on the story itself and let the summary cogitate from there.

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