Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ides of March

Alex Trebek noted the Ides of March on Jeopardy this past week - my first thought was that we are past mid-month (beware the Ides of March from Julius Caesar). Today, I think I ought to consult the dictionary - the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to be exact, 2004 copyright:

"ides - the 15th day of March, May, July or October, or the 13th day of any other month in the ancient Roman calendar."

I'm a-thinking what ever tidings the ides bring, they have brought the whole month through for March 2011. So much has happened this month, and the ripples and repercussions of what has happened will ring through for years to come.

Haven't done much this week in relation to exercise - I was down sick Wednesday and Thursday, fighting off what has gone around the office for the last month so I could enjoy spending time with my darling daughter shopping for her wedding dress on Friday. She found THE ONE and she looks beautiful in it - and will again in November on the day of her nuptials.

Saturday (yesterday) was my grandson's third birthday - he and his sister are so adorable! He's a little man instead of a toddler - wow where does the time go?

As for writing -have done the Daily Pages, and am sending off two short stories to the CWC Sacramento Branch 2011 Short, Short Story Contest. I find I tend to be more verbose than a mere 750 words, but I have two stories that say what need to be said within that word-count limit. We'll see if they win me any accolades (and a bit of cash!).

April is National Poetry Month, and I am challenging myself to write either a poem or about poetry each day -perhaps I'll put up a poetry blog for the month - and link it here!

Laundry beckons - so I bid you adieu for this week.

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