Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Week Gone By

...and gone by too fast! This past week is all a blur to me. Work was extremely busy! However, I did manage to go to My Girlfriends Garden in Auburn on Monday, where we had an excellent guest speaker who led us through a very telling writing exercise. The speaker was Jennifer Basye Sander, who co-authored The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published, Hot Flash Haiku, and the Martini Diet, just to name a few. I bought a copy of Hot Flash Haiku and laughed all the way through it - so true, so true!

And of course, since we were at Villa Fiorente, I bought two bottles of Fortezza's Viognier!

And then yesterday, I went on the monthly birdwalk at Heritage Oak Winery with David Yee. We had got the count of birds sighted or heard up to 51, and then he counted 5 more before lunch was over! Here is the bird list, which I know Tom Hoffman is updating again, since we added an Olive-Sided Flycatcher to the list yesterday!

I've been writing my Daily Pages, but haven't got back to the short story I'm writing in response to The First Line's next contest, entries for which are due by August 1st.

And today I am off to fly the friendly skies to visit project sites in Utah and Colorado for work. Another busy week for this girl!

Until next time, I bid you adieu...

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