Saturday, February 25, 2012

Percopotomus - Day 4 - Belonging

Prompts: I belong nowhere else; A wonder and moment of turning

I belong nowhere else than where I am right here, right now. I once would have said I belong nowhere else but there, or there, or even there. Now I know better.

It took a wonder and a moment of turning to realize that I am truly in the right place right now - even though my heart may not agree at times. My intuition, however, knows better.

That intuition is what sparked the wonder - wondering why my stomach hurt like something bad was happening, even though my head and my heart could not see it yet. The turning was the turning in, the tuning in to my intuition and truly listening to it for the first time in years.

So while the road ahead is rocky, having not been taken often, I know that whatever comes my way from this point forward, I belong nowhere else.

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