Friday, March 02, 2012

Percopotomus - Day 10 - Saving Souls

Well, here we are, down to the final entry for this year's run of Percopotomus.

Prompt: saving souls is risky business

Writing can save a soul
or destroy it
writing for cleansing
or for closure
can loose more demons
than it destroys sometimes

The soul that can release
the demons loosed
can find redemption
and thus be saved

The soul that holds on
to even one demon loosed
in this manner
can only be consumed
by the demons it holds

For those who stare
into the abyss
into the darkness

Those who turn away
from the darkness
and leave the demons
in the abyss
find freedom
find light
find life again

So what do you do with the demons loosed by writing?

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